Condominium Corporations are unique statutory creatures that must run with economic efficiency within the Condominium Act, 1998 while maintaining community standards. Our goal as condominium law lawyers is to help you achieve that goal efficiently.
Condominium corporations only exist as a result of the laws set out in the Condominium Act, 1998. Thus, a correct interpretation of the Act is key to understanding how a condominium is required to function day-to-day. Our practice has given us a breadth of experience so that we can deal with both standard day-to-day matters and a variety of unique situations. Moreover, our condominium lawyers can also provide corporate advice on contractual arrangements, including those with your property management company and other service providers such as telephone companies, cleaning companies, and waste removal companies.
In the area of Condominium law, we offer:
- Development of Condominium projects including commercial, residential, phased, common elements and vacant land
- Drafting, amending and updating condominium documentation
- Declaration, by-law and rule enforcement
- Board meetings and general corporate governance
- Common expense collection
- Construction deficiencies, Tarion warranties, and claims involving developers
- Annual general meetings, proxies and requisitioned meetings
- Legal opinions and interpretations of condominium documents, the Condominium Act and other legislation
- Insurance claims and coverage issues
- Repairs, maintenance, alterations and improvements to units and common elements
- Employment, human rights and occupational health and safety standards
- Utility and telecommunication agreements, property management agreements, shared facility and reciprocal agreements
- New legislation and regulations which impact condominiums, including amendments to the Condominium Act
- Arbitration, mediation, negotiation and litigation services
- Compliance applications, construction deficiency litigation, shared facility disputes and mediation/arbitration experts.
- Our Law Firm is client-focused and results-driven.
- Our Law Firm consists of experienced professionals with proven records of success.
- JSM Law will protect your interests.
- We offer competitive contingency fee structures.