Will insurance cover your claim if a personal vehicle is used for a work errand?
The company vehicle is in the shop, and your boss calls to ask if you can use your personal car to drop off some drawings for a client. Even if it’s just this one time, if you get in a collision, your insurance company might not cover the damage.
When it comes to using your personal vehicle for work errands, there are three tiers, or categories of situations, that insurance companies consider. In their eyes, it’s how often you use your car for work-related purposes that matters, and you should always keep them informed if something changes.
Original Article Source Credits: Driving.ca , https://driving.ca/
Article Written By: Melanie Chambers, LowestRates.ca
Original Article Posted on: Nov 20, 2021
Link to Original Article: https://driving.ca/features/insurance/will-insurance-cover-your-claim-if-a-personal-vehicle-is-used-for-a-work-errand